
A sustainable and responsible response to the most demanding quality, safety and performance requirements.

Improver, premix, corrector, confectionery and ingredient (Technological, Sensory, Nutritional) supplier in Durban, South Africa

The Quality Team

The Quality & Food Safety team ensures the development, implementation and maintenance of standard operating procedures which complies to legal and accreditation standards. We at EUROGERM SOUTH AFRICA are committed to providing compliant products therefore focuses on a stringent supplier approval programme ensuring superior quality. In meeting customer religious requirements, the company complies to Halaal and Kosher standards.

Improver, premix, corrector, confectionery and ingredient (Technological, Sensory, Nutritional) supplier in Durban, South Africa
Improver, premix, corrector, confectionery and ingredient (Technological, Sensory, Nutritional) supplier in Durban, South Africa
Improver, premix, corrector, confectionery and ingredient (Technological, Sensory, Nutritional) supplier in Durban, South Africa

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